I vini top della Regola incontrano a New York City la Wine Influencer Marisa D’Vari Awinestory.com

Fabulous lunch with Riccardo Gabriele, Luca Tommasini and Dr. Flavio Nuti of La Regola Winery at Cardoncello di Vino Restaurant in NYC (http://cardoncellodivino.com).

Just enough time to try 4 wines … the white Lauro (blend of barrel fermented Viognier and Chardonnay), 2015 Vallino (95% Cabernet Sauvignon, 15% Sangiovese), the INCREDIBLE 2015 Le Regola (100% Cabernet Franc with 18 months maturation in new French oak) and the delicious Stride 2013 (100% Merlot with new French oak)

Of the four, the two most extraordinary wines was the Lauro and the La Regola because they are quite remarkable. Lauro is very elegant with many complex aromas and flavors. And the Le Regola is one of the finest examples of Cabernet Franc in Italy.

The winery is situated on the Tuscan coast and is actually an Etruscan settlement dating back to the 7th century BC. I noticed quite a bit of natural vibrant acidity in the wines – the reds as well as the Lauro white – that is a result of the soil (lots of fossil shells) and proximity to the sea. Finishing the meal was the excellent Grappa served with the traditional (delicious!) cookies of the region.

The cuisine at Cardoncello divino is actually the best “modern” Italian I’ve had in NYC with emphasis on fresh ingredients.

#poderelaregola #prwineconsulting #prvino

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